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games journalism writing course

Ready? Set? Write!

What is this course?

Are you a passionate writer looking to explore new horizons and challenge your creative abilities? You don't need to be a gamer to appreciate the rich storytelling, dynamic characters, and immersive worlds found in the gaming industry. My writing course is your gateway to harnessing these elements and enhancing your writing skills, regardless of your background.


This writing course teaches fundamentals of writing and ethical journalism with a focus on video game reviews. I want you to leave here a written product. If you have a piece you’d like to write, let me help you.

Bring your ideas and topics to the course and I’ll help you make them tangible …well, digital anyway.


Sometimes it’s hard to get started. Let me help you open the floodgates of your writing journey or career.

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How can this writing
course help you?

Even if you don’t want to be a games journalist or any journalist, writing is still a great skill to learn. It can lead to comprehensive text on your website, an important email, a request for a proposal, or even a grant!



Writing isn’t just for journalists. It's for anyone wanting to convey ideas to gain support, funding, or a community.

Who Is Junae?

I am a classically trained journalist who wrote local news for NBC Sports & NBC 5 Chicago before venturing into the gaming industry.


I've been Featured on GameSpot, Ubisoft Black Game Pros, PC Gamer, and many more. 


I have a proven track record of success in my writing career. On this journey, I am your partner who wants and expects the best from you and will challenge you to perform at your best. I will hold you accountable for the whole program.


I have overall goals for the course. We will also be taking a look at your goals.

Specific goals within producing an article will be set. Things like,

  • Working on Grammar

  • Working on Outlines

  • Working on Cohesive and Flowing Stories

  • How to use Chat GPT Ethically as a writer


The main objective is producing an article and having you become more comfortable with writing to do it on your own.


You will also set goals for yourself and we’ll discuss how to achieve them.


How does the
writing course work?


  1. Identify Goals for writing

  • During the pre-session, we’ll identify writing limitations and the way you address yourself when it comes to writing


Before we can get to working on goals we have to address your habits and feelings about writing


    2. Develop a Pattern for Writing

  • Let’s create habits that will make writing like a muscle and not a foreign concept


    3. Reinforce Patterns and Goals

  • This is where the fun begins. We can start thinking of topics to write about and plan how to make it a reality

What to expect
from the course

What can you expect from this writing Course? A new outlook on writing, a more confident writing style that is authentic to you, and to understand the art of pitching


Just as any coach can assess their team's strengths and plan out a regimen to help them get better. I help train aspiring writers to reach their maximum potential. Will make sure you’re prepared for the writing challenges you face.

What sets this
writing course apart

This is the only video game journalism writing course. I've been in the industry a over a decade and I’ve seen a lot and learned a lot. I know games journalism isn’t new but some things still aren’t common knowledge


I will help you optimize your writing skills step by step. You will truly be amazed at just how much is possible for you with the right guidance and support.

What sets this
writing course apart

No one does anything great without passion first. They just need the right encouragement and strategies to unleash it. The best coaches in the world know how to create greatness through their actions and their words. Let’s find the thing you're passionate about and dive deep.

How this writing course
with transform your mindset

You don’t need to be in a place of lacking to want to write. All you need is the desire to want to write. Maybe even a desire for a career change or to unlock a new skill. Maybe you want to start on a novel, comic book, or graphic novel but first, you need to write a paragraph. A step toward writing is


What’s something you care about? Let’s explore that, put it into words and then you’ll find it easier to learn the pattern and the ways of writing. That’s when it’ll be time to explore other things that don’t pique your interest as much.


I created an ebook a few years ago when I realized I was the one answering the questions for people looking to get into games journalism. So why not complete my knowledge in e-format?


We'll be using my How to Become a Successful Video Game Journalist. Plus, I've been granted access to some indie game codes and exclusive interviews with people in the industry. 


This course is $150 for 4 weeks of setting goals, achieving goals, accountability, and personal access to me and my Discord. 


Included in the package is my book, an archive of the video recorded sessions for your eyes only, plus lifetime access to the Discord!


Take the next step

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